Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Official Spring Break Wrap Up

Alas, It is finished.
It was probably the longest week ever. If D-Day were a week long it would have felt as long as our week. It was fun. It was memorable. It was tiring. It was everything I imagined it'd be.
I haven't posted in a couple of days so I am going to recap those days some.
Friday we arrived in Houston in record time: 5hrs 30mins. We left Mission, TX at around 8:30am and arrived at Houston around 1:30 or 1:45pm. We startled everyone and record keepers scribbled in their notepads scratching every old record off and placing our new record over the etches in bright yellow to stand out for the world to see. It was good passing the Falfurrias checkpoint because we got to meet a slur mouthed border patrol whom we questioned his citizenship after speaking with him. This guy said "muy mAmericanitizens? ". Rusty says "American Citizen." Then he points at me with suspicion and I quickly answer.
"smmhair muyeaded?"
"smmhair muyeaded? Moll rown rahack widow."
"Roll down the window, Rusty. Houston, we're going to Houston."
"Yeah, Houston."
"mmuston. muy iys have agudd rip."
And he waved us off. It was classic.
We get to Houston and hit up Del Sol. If you don't know what Del Sol is, you haven't lived. It is a great Mexican food joint, great food for real cheap.
After Del Sol we go get a haircut at some halfass joint in the dirtiest part of town where a group of Vietnamese hairdresser met and built a hair salon charging 5 bucks for men's hair. Pretty sweet deal. I go get my hair cut down to a 2 and then the un-understandable Viet-chic is just talking and talking about whatever and about making it straight in front and I'm trying to explain how I want it and I think she is going for shaping up my hair around the ear and then she does the unimaginable...she clips my sideburns and gives me a fucktard looking gap between my sideburn and beard. RAWR!
Later that night we hit up some place called Fitzgeralds and meet up with Yeshua about an hour after he finds his way our way. I'm pretty sure Yeshua isn't from Houston. Yeshua was a good sight to see. I missed that guy. Fitzgerald's was lame. IHOP afterwards was great.
I got to visit The Galleria on Saturday. Fantastic. It's huge. You can live there. You can do all sorts of shit in that place. It's beautiful! BEAUTIFUL! Giant Super Soaker fountain in the middle is cool too. I wasn't that impressed with the place although it was huge and had stores i'd never heard of. It was cool. We went to Fitzgeralds again and saw some better bands. My non-existent tooth was aching all night. That sucked. I am also pretty sure I blew out my eardrum from the loud ass metal band downstairs, Dead Poets Society or some shit. The lead singer had alot of energy and I'm sure he was annoying his bandmates by whispering shit in their ears and mocking their instruments as they played. *Shrug* We ate Del Sol that night...mmm goood.
Easter Morning we woke up at the butt-crack of dawn around 7:15 or so and took off to Center of Life Church at around 7:30 to hit the 8am service. It was a good church. Great music and good people and preaching. I liked it alot. Donuts were a major plus.
We hung out at Rusty's dad's home a bit and hid Easter eggs from his little half brothers and I happened to eat a chocolate bunny that belonged to one of the kids. I thought it was just a basket, but I was wrong.... :- my bad, dawg! The little kid was pissed. We jetted from there to Rusty's step-dad's mom's place and ate some burgers and brisket and some delicious freakin pecan pie and chocolate cake. Yum. Good people.
Left that place and packed up. Headed down 288 to pick up Yeshua at his home and talked to his Brown Pube-hair mustache goatee stoned Paulie Shore talking goofball brother for a bit and then headed to rendevous with Jerica at the Best Buy parking lot which was hard as hell to find. Finished up there and headed up to Jacksonville and everything is padlocked even my room. Ms. Dyke Davis threatens to be a bitch, but then Yeshua's room gets opened so I just went in and dropped my junk off. It was good. Yessum!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bye Bye White Home!

1616 Paradise Street...
Tomorrow I leave you for a whole month and change. The valley had its moments but it is obviously no Austin. I enjoyed coming home and seeing Baby and my family. There is alot of growth in the Valley since the last time I came. I'm excited since I'll be up here back in May. I don't quite know if Rusty enjoyed his stay, but I hope we were good hosts. This house is damn hot though so that'll be a blessing to creep away from this damn fireball house.

Loved the stay, just had problems with another distant person. Ive been fed well, and the girls have been great to my eyes.

The Unloved Cat

In this picture my mom is fixing to punt the cat across the living room, (joking).
Seriously, though, the cat isn't much loved these days. His name is Bebo and I remember when we first got him. It was may or something of 1994 and he was super tiny. Yah the bastard is completely old. He needs to die because he scratches shit up and we're at a new house now and plus the baby is around. This guy must die so he'll be out of our hair. Bebo is a legend but he seriously needs to fade away. He has outlived his expectation. He almost died once when my mom and sister bought the wrong flea control medicine and he licked it and ended up sick. I cried seeing him in a shitty state at the vet. He has been through alot and needs to die.
Rusty seems to be the only one that likes him.

I Love Meebo. Coolest cat ever.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Hey Baby."

Isn't she just adorable? That's baby and my sister. Today, Baby was stuck with Rusty and I for about ten minutes at Office Depot while mommy decided she'd forget her wallet at home. Baby stayed with us as we strolled her around trying to entertain ourselves and the baby without looking like a couple of gay lovers that adopted a baby to make our relationship "official". This was hilarious because we got bored and eventually just waited outside and played with the little baby until momma came back.
I love Baby. She is cute and doesn't cry. The damn kid is a genius for 6 months! She definately has some kickass Garza blood in her. Baby got brains!

We don't do dishes

I already knew I didn't do dishes because I break an average of two and a half dishes everytime I wash them. I let Rusty take the heat and let him wash while I would dry. This lasted a whole minute before Rusty broke a dish. We just aren't cut out for dishwashing. My sister was going for giving us 20 bucks a piece for washing dishes but right after we broke one we were kind of overthrown and my mom just ended up washing them. We're just too rough with tiny little ceramic stuff. Ya hear?!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tight Jeans A Go-Go

So these pants are tight. Skinny jeans are where it's at. Levis Skinny Jeans, go get you some!

So Long SPI!

Side view mirror explains it all; the emotion, the torment, the disappointment and regret of ever venturing into South Padre Island. First we get there it's windy as all hell and there is nobody anywhere! All we see if families, old people, and dudes. Just dude after dude after dude. Then we get to some food place my mom's been wanting me to eat at and the service is shit. The food was decent but the service was horrible. So we were just sad. We get to the beach and start walking up the beach and we finally get to all the action. Just tons of people we don't associate with. A bunch of drunks, jocks and stupid people. We felt so out of place. Then soon after, the thing kind of died because weather advisory started kicking people out and telling them to go back into their hotels. The packs got mad. We got our shit together and left. It sucked. I was a little bit sad.