Sunday, March 16, 2008

Joab can flaunt it too!

Somehow the back pocket bandana made it's way into my boxers. Ah early morning rise! We're headed to the Rio Grande Valley now.

I say goodbye to the shitty service at Burger King.
I say goodbye to the oddball rabbit costume wearing musician selling CDs to stupid kids for ten bucks.
I say goodbye to robot dancer chic.
I say goodbye to bums asking for money then threatening they'll steal wallets.
I say goodbye to drunk fat bitches that didn't believe that we had gone indie.
I say goodbye to those "ugly" "sluts" Max and his friend were waiting for to give CDs out to. Favorite quote: "Fuck them, they are sluts and their ugly. Let's go we got a 20 hour drive to L.A."
I say goodbye to one-way streets.
I say goodbye to long ass walks up and down 6th street to just end up back at Troubadour.
I say goodbye to Motel 6 and the only two working outlets.
I say goodbye to that great mexican taco place we ate last night. (boner)
I say goodbye to the Ice Cream Man! Free IceCream is great.
I say goodbye to that jackass from San Marcos that can't sing.
I say goodbye to retarded drivers and Rusty nearly rearending everyone.

It was fun, now to a new frontier! The Tejano Frontier--maybe we'll go Tejano?

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