Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Unloved Cat

In this picture my mom is fixing to punt the cat across the living room, (joking).
Seriously, though, the cat isn't much loved these days. His name is Bebo and I remember when we first got him. It was may or something of 1994 and he was super tiny. Yah the bastard is completely old. He needs to die because he scratches shit up and we're at a new house now and plus the baby is around. This guy must die so he'll be out of our hair. Bebo is a legend but he seriously needs to fade away. He has outlived his expectation. He almost died once when my mom and sister bought the wrong flea control medicine and he licked it and ended up sick. I cried seeing him in a shitty state at the vet. He has been through alot and needs to die.
Rusty seems to be the only one that likes him.

I Love Meebo. Coolest cat ever.

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